"I always thought someone should do something about that...
Then I realized, I am that someone."

Gia is our 11 yr old bundle of energy. She found her way home to us from ABF in October. Seniors are so often passed over for the younger dogs. But these older guys need forever homes, too. Give an older dog a chance. They are gentle and loyal companions who no longer feel the need to chew your shoes! These sweet guys deserve to spend their golden years in a home with lots of love. Try a senior. You won't regret it. The Welch/Roth family

We lost our 10 yr old Corgi, Bailey, in June. After a couple weeks of an empty house and a quick trip to the local pet store to visit puppies, we knew we wanted two puppies and we knew we wanted to adopt. A small, poodle breed mix was what we wanted but who would be letting such puppies go to a shelter? But there they were looking out of our browser window on the Adopt-A-Pet website. Fast forward a few days and the last three puppies from the litter were sitting on our laps in the kitchen. Mocha and Hershey ("the curlies") were ours and Cappuccino (now "Cappie") was staying with us until he found a final home - which he did just two days later - with us! Yes, we were crazy enough to adopt three puppies at one time and we haven't regretted that for a minute. These guys bring so much joy and life to our home that we can't imagine a world without them. We've quickly learned how to groom them ourselves ($40 each every 6 weeks - yikes!) and decided we needed some puppy training help as the puppies outnumber us. It's made a world of difference. We have people come by early just to see the puppies and you should see the smiles we get when we're out walking three puppies on 15 ft leashes. We're quite the pack. Which is exactly what we are, a pack, a family. Thank you to Animals Best Friends for rescuing these wonderful souls, nursing them back to health and then letting us bring them into the family. The Haun family

Our youngest son found Blackie while searching the internet for a Labrador mix puppy to adopt. We have an eight year old Lab-Pointer mix (love of our life) and felt it was time to expand our canine family. Blackie’s eyes spoke to us for some reason compelling us to call Animals Best Friends to inquire about him. We quickly filled out the adoption application and set up a meet and greet. The connection to Blackie was real but he was older then what we originally were looking for. While continuing the search for a younger puppy we asked if we could foster Blackie instead. Blackie ended up bonding with us immediately, he was easy to train, his older age as a puppy meant that he could stay all night in his crate without needing to potty, we found him to be quick and eager to train and our older dog loved playing with him. Since we were only fostering, I made sure to send out information to all my friends about this wonderful dog to see if they would be interested in adopting Blackie through ABF. Well, there was an interest and the threat of another family wanting to adopt him was all we needed to realize that this pup was meant for us all along. Blackie has found a home. Don’t be afraid to open your mind when scouting out your pet at a shelter. You might not find what you are looking for, but something even better!

Henry (Snickers) and Pepper (Peppermint Patty) have become the perfect addition to our family. They are the most loving dogs in the world. Henry (aka Mr. Fluff Pants) loves to be held, will do anything for treats, and steals all of his sister's toys. Pepper (aka Miss Scruffy Bottom) is everyone's favorite dog at the dog park. She loves to snuggle and runs circles around her brother in the yard. We are truly blessed by these two puppies. Thank you to ABF for bringing them into our lives!
Christine and Dave

Hi Everyone! We just wanted to give you an update on Addie (June). She's grown some and loves to play hard, shed hard, and sleep hard. She will not lay directly on the carpet; she'll find anything she can to lay on (her pillow or anything we leave out lol). She's not allowed on the other furniture, but she loves this foot stool so we gave in. She's about to out-grow it though! Thanks again for giving us such a great new family member. The McGinn family

Home At Last! I'm Tanner, a 10 yr old Beagle from Animals Best Friends that found my forever home! ABF found me wandering the streets of Kansas City, homeless and infected with heartworms. They took me in, cared for me, and got me to a doctor that took the worms away so I could find a new home. I have a collapsing trachea that requires daily medication and I was afraid that no one would want me because of this. My new mom saw my picture on a poster and asked to meet me. When I did I gave her my best wiggle butt first impression - AND IT WORKED - because she had me over for a visit that weekend and decided that she wanted ME!! Now I have my very own home and a place to live forever where I'll be safe and loved. I have a brother named Finn, a German Shorthair Pointer, who's very big, and he likes me. Except when I play with his special chew toy and he gives me that look. We work it out though. Since I gained so much weight during my heartworm treatments, my mom put me on a diet - oh the inhumanity - which I hate! And she takes me and Finn out for walks everyday - which I love! Some of my favorite things are laying in the sun on the back deck listening to the birds, going for rides in the car, and snuggling up at night with mom and Finn as I drift off to sleep. My mom even takes me to work sometimes. Oh! And I'll be going this summer on my very first vacation to meet my two-legged brother Justin, and spend some time on the river. I'm so excited!! My mom tells me all the time that she's very happy I found her. She calls me Sweet Pea and I really like that. I miss all the nice people at ABF and I miss my roommates, and hope that they soon find their forever homes. Thank you Animals Best Friends! The Weiss Family

Starr was a little older than we had hoped, but once she got into the house I knew I would be keeping this dog. There is a two week trial and if things didn't work out we could return her. I didn't want any of that. I just figured Starr was ours now and she would stay with us. Starr is an older dog, quite a bit older - probably closer to 13 than 10. Being a bigger dog, this age difference is huge. I was cooking in the kitchen the other day for several hours and she sat next to me the entire time. I think she was hoping for some food, but being older she just slept most of the time. After about three weeks my youngest daughter came down the steps and sat down next to Starr by the front door and said "I love this big dog". I knew then I had made the right decision to adopt Starr. Since then Starr (aka Big Dog) has shown her personality and has become a member of the family. Big Dog goes on short walks (same time every night because she knows when it's time), wrestles some in the living room with my son for fun. Her walks are limited to 3/4 of a mile if its not too hot out. She doesn't get much exercise, but I think she is getting what she needs. The foster parent for the Big Dog had her for over two years. I know that she was well taken care of and I could also tell that the foster parent was very sad to give her up. I hope that she now knows the Big Dog is in good hands. I don't know how long the Big Dog will last, I just don't know. It could be five weeks, it could be two years. I do know that she has brought happiness to our home and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Animals Best Friends is truly a life saver for many of these animals. A great organization to help those that can't help themselves. The Smith family

Haeleigh joined our family of 4 humans, 2 guinea pigs, 1 turtle, 6 fish, 1 snail and a feral cat that lives outside this past July. She has adapted well to all, but remains a bit shy with men and strangers. We take her everywhere that she is allowed and she is feeling more at ease with others each time we take her out. Haeleigh really enjoys going for car rides and long walks with her new family. She is currently up to about 55 pounds and gaining muscle mass every day. No more seeing or feeling her ribs. She is a healthy 7 mth old puppy who enjoys new independence with us. After 2 days, she decided that she did not like her kennel and enjoyed the freedom of having full access to her home. A few things got chewed up, but nothing that we could not live without. We keep plenty of chew toys around the house for when she feels the need to chew.
Haeleigh enjoys playing in the water. She has her own "Kiddie" pool that she has access to whenever she is outside, and plays in it nightly after her long walks to cool off her feet. She will put her face under the water and play with toys on the pool bottom. We had hoped to get her in our swimming pool, but she is not ready for that excursion yet. She will stand on the side, and almost put her face in the pool, but she cannot be coaxed into the deeper water yet. Maybe next year when she has more confidence in herself and us. Haeleigh is very smart and learns quickly. She has mastered "sit", "lie down", "fetch" and is working on shaking hands/paws, and rolling over. She has also learned that by picking up her "Kong" and throwing it in the air, usually when it hits the ground, the snacks will spill out of it. Much easier than trying to get her tongue in the little hole to obtain the treats. She also likes treats hidden in a cardboard box or shoe box. She has learned that if she pounces on the box with her front feet with all of her weight, the box will usually break open and give her access to the treats inside. Haeleigh has her own friends that live around our back yard. She looks for them whenever she is outside. Three of the houses bordering our yard each have smaller dogs that Haeleigh will play with and run with on either side of her fence. Touching noses is a plus also for her to enjoy. She is looking forward to seeing her old friends from ABF at the reunion picnic this fall, and maybe see some of her siblings that were also adopted out. One of her favorite places to run is the Sante Fe Park where she has made many new friends and frequents on a regular basis. Hope to see you there along with everyone from Animals Best Friends. Thank you all for all you do and introducing Haeleigh to her "forever home"! The Gans Family

We are so lucky and happy to have this sweetheart in our lives! She has been the perfect addition to our family. Keeta (Sara) pictured on the left, came to us just a few weeks ago and she is settling in great. She loves everyone she meets, especially her new pack mates Gypsy the cat and Rylee the beagle. Thank you so much for bringing this pretty girl to us.
The Lollman family

The first dog we adopted through Animals Best Friends was Winnie. We found her initially through PetFinder. After a bit of research, we learned that she was currently in a foster home. Our family discussed if it was the right time to bring a new dog home. We had lost our beloved Cocker Spaniel, Ginger, just a few months prior. We all agreed that at the very least, we would like to have Winnie come for a visit. That was almost 8 years ago. We could not have asked for a more loving, sweet furry family member. Those first few weeks, Winnie spent most of her time on my lap and at night, she lay right between my husband and I. She was a little insecure but soon realized that she was there to stay and we were going to go right on being there with her. About 2 years ago, I saw a post from ABF with a picture of “Winnie” but the title read that she was a “new addition”. Believing that this must have been posted in error, I contacted them to see if this was an older picture of our Winnie that had somehow made its way onto Facebook. I learned that it was not an error but that another little one had been found and that she had been named “Winnie” by the staff because she reminded them so much of our Winnie. Well, we just HAD to go meet her. Although my family fell immediately in love with this little bundle of energy, I was not so sure. Winnie had enjoyed being the only dog for many years and she was quite spoiled. Loving her as much as I do, I did not want anything to upset her. Her happiness was the most important thing. Reluctantly, I agreed to a 2 week trial. There was no denying that she was adorable and also loving and sweet when she could calm down for a few seconds to actually snuggle. I tried my best to keep an emotional distance from her until I knew for sure that Winnie would accept her. Of course, the first thing we had to do was rename her. We couldn’t have 2 Winnies running about. So, we named her Ellie Mae. She needed a middle name so that I would have something to call her when she was in REAL trouble. Thank goodness I did because that middle name is used often! Her naughtiness is born out of happiness and exuberance, however, so no one gets truly mad at her for very long. It took Winnie awhile to adjust to all the energy this new little one brought with her. Sometimes Winnie has to put Ellie Mae in her “place” but Ellie is oblvious to it all and thinks it is a very fun game. She is an annoying little sister to be sure but they get along wonderfully. Winnie has found her “safe” spots and Ellie has learned to leave sister alone when she is in those spots. They sleep in different rooms and every morning when Winnie gets up the 1st thing she does is to go find sister. Every morning they are excited to see each other. My emotional distance has turned into a deep love for this little furry bundle of energy and Winnie is reassured daily that she is “my” dog and while they can be terribly jealous, they work it out peacefully. We could not have asked for anything better. Special thanks go out to Diane and the whole ABF staff who were very patient with me as I worked through my concerns and fears of bringing a 2nd dog into our home. The 2 week trial turned into a much longer trial as I was reluctant to say for certain that Ellie Mae was a “keeper”. I cannot imagine our family now without her in it. Thank you ABF! The Beavers family

I wanted to give Animals Best Friends an update and photo of our new member of the family, Penny. Carolyn worked with me on this adoption around the time of Labor Day. This little dog has become one of the most wonderful dogs! First, she is now fully house broken and now does her business outside. That was quite the journey, but we succeeded. She also has warmed the hearts of anyone that comes through the door. She runs to her crate when she wants a break and doesn't want anyone to bother her. She sleeps there at night and is comfortable with her surroundings. Thank you Carolyn! You wouldn't recognize this dog if you saw her! She is so incredible! The Johnson family

In October of 2012, we decided that our beloved 7 year old black lab Mai needed a companion. We discussed how we were going to do this, whether it be by adopting from a shelter, by looking in the newspaper, or online. We decided that adopting from a shelter was the best choice, so we contacted Animals Best Friends. We started a 2 week trial with a great puppy, but unfortunately it did not work out. Our family was determined to find that perfect match. In March of 2013, we saw Ellie’s picture on ABF’s website and we knew we had to meet her. We met her and decided that we definitely wanted to start a 2 week trial with her. The first day of the trial, we knew immediately that we wanted to make her a permanent part of our lives. Ellie fit in with our crazy family from the start. Ellie is a loving, funny, and very happy dog. She has the most unique personality of any dog we have ever been around. When you talk to her, she looks right at you, with one ear sticking straight up, as if she truly understands what you are saying. When her family comes home from work or school or when anyone comes through the door, she raises up and leans her head on you as if to give you a big “hello” hug. Ellie is incredibly smart to! She figured out early on that for every time you go outside, you get a treat when you come back in. She has also figured out that when the freezer door opens, you get an ice cube for a treat. Ellie also likes to have fun and her energy level is extremely high! Being part Border Collie, she loves to herd the kids, their friends and even her new canine friend Mai. Mai and even the kids don’t seem to mind. They play tug of war and chase each other around the house. Mai even looks happier since Ellie has been in our home. We couldn’t be more pleased and happy to have Ellie in our lives. She is a perfect match for us! Thank you so much to Animals Best Friends, Dianne, and especially to Shari and Holly for helping us find Ellie. The Chandler family

Things are going great for Cha Cha and us! I am really glad that we chose her to be our forever dog. She is very sweet and we love her. She is about ready to complete her obedience course at PetSmart. She is a smart girl and she already knew a lot of the material that they covered. It has given us more confidence with her and has enhanced her abilities. She loves to play with her toys and her favorite toy is still her little ball that she brought with her to our house. She has yet to potty in the house and she never, ever tears anything up or even bothers anything she shouldn't. She loves to go for long walks and we go several times a day... rolling in the grass is a favorite outdoor activity. She is still not too keen on people she does not know, but she loves other dogs and she has canine friends here that she sees out on our walks. She was apprehensive about her new Dad at first and he has been very patient with her. It has paid off because now she is eager to jump on his lap in the morning to get rocked and get her first treat of the day. We love our little doggie. She is precious, definitely a keeper! The Springer family

I would just like to thank you again for all the effort you put into caring for Max, the German Shorthaired pointer we adopted. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. He likes all the little creature comforts we are able to provide and he especially likes cuddling with my other gsp dog at night (both sleep together with with me). Plus, his "busy bones" that he loves to eat on the occasion I ever have to be gone from him. He's getting plenty of exercise with my other dog Petey and is consumed with hunting squirrels...although he hasn't been able to nab one yet, thankfully for that. He has become very well adjusted and has thrived in health and happiness. The Pickering family

Hi There Friends! I don’t have long . . . my new mom’s in the shower and she doesn’t know that I’m computer savvy! She was supposed to write this story, but who better than ME . . . right? I know we’ve never met, but I’m sure my story will warm your hearts. I was not loved or wanted; and I was given up for adoption. Even though I’m so incredibly beautiful with black hair and piercing black eyes (yeah, I’m a diva!), I had no where to go until an angel named Dianne came along. I gave her a BIG hug and she took me AND my sister home to foster. Just before Thanksgiving, Dianne talked with a couple that were interested in providing a loving forever home for me. FOREVER! I am very shy, so our first meeting was a little overwhelming. But guess what . . I went home with them just before Christmas, and my life is FAB! You see, I’m a 6-month-old Border Collie mix that was being fostered through Animals Best Friends. They do the best job at finding forever homes for gals and guys like me. Do you know my new parents even updated their fence (just for me)! I even get to go to doggie-day care when my mom & dad have to work. I’ve met a lot of new four-legged friends there! The holidays were lots of fun too . . got to meet my two-legged relatives! They even gave me presents! I keep hearing my forever parents say, “Ginger is just the sweetest puppy”! That’s right, my name is Ginger and I don’t mean to brag, but I AM a great girl! It’s also been said that “I can’t hold my licker”. I give GREAT kisses!! Some things are private, but I must tell you that I was potty-trained in two days. And I’m learning to use a bell on the back door to tell my parents when I need to take care of business. Right now, I’ve trained them to ring it, but I think I’ll ring it soon just to amuse them. DL! (Doggie Laughs) Uh, oh . . I hear the shower turning off so I better finish up. Just remember, adopting a pet is so rewarding for US and for you humans as well! My sister Hannah still needs a forever home and she’s just as beautiful and loving as me. Ginger and the Calvert Family

I wanted to update everyone there on Skippy. He is so happy and funny! Always ready for action. Skippy is meeting everyone on our walks that we take twice a day and everyone marvels at his speed. I haven't figured out how he likes to play yet. He is scared of all the stuffed animals we have and of noisy toys. He is getting fond of the skin of a softball that we had laying around. As you can see from the picture, life isn't too hard here. Thanks for keeping him until we found him! The Young family

Thought you would like to see Shorty playing with his toy. He has truly been a joy for us. I believe he is quite happy as he's spoiled rotten. The Davis family

I am happy to report that Teddy is doing great. He and Bud are good friends now. I've attached some pictures. I would have more, but for some reason Teddy really doesn't like to have his picture taken. I'm guessing it's the flash, so we've discontinued using that. Teddy had his first visit to his new veterinarian. He is in great health, and now officially licensed as a Kansas Citian. We cannot thank you enough for the love that you show to all the animals that you care for. You are truly a blessing to those whose lives that you touch, as well as the entire community. The Craven family

I jumped at the chance to share my experience of adopting a dog from Animals Best Friends! I was lucky in that my family has always been blessed with pets. Once my sister and I moved into a house of our own (with her two cats), I knew it was time for me to get a dog. I began my search at Wayside Waifs. While they had a nice facility and friendly staff, in most cases, they were unable to tell me if the dogs were cat-friendly. This matter was, of course, crucial to my search. After one botched attempt (I took one of our cats out to meet a dog), I decided that I needed to find an adoption group that could give me more conclusive information on their animals. Luckily, my other sister ran across Animals Best Friend’s website and saw my future dog. I began speaking with their representatives and soon found I would need to go through a very thorough application and meeting process. While at first this can seem like a lot of work, please believe me when I say, “It is worth it“. By meeting the representatives and Chili (formally Lilly) in my home, I got a better feel for their organization and commitment to the animals in their care. Furthermore, I could interact with Chili and see how she behaved around our cats. Once the initial meeting was over, Chili went back to ABF and I had some time to decide if she was a good fit for me. Needless to say, that was a resounding ‘yes’ and Chili came to stay with me for a test-period of two weeks. If everything went well after the two weeks, the adoption would be final. Obviously, Chili has been with me ever since and I could not have asked for a better match! As with any new pet, we have had our ups and downs. Dogs can be trained, though, and I know we will be able to work through anything. After all, she is very smart! More importantly though, I have found a true companion. Chili makes me laugh everyday. She loves sleeping the morning away and going on walks. We are each others protectors and friends, and I count myself lucky to have found her. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Animals Best Friends. ABF cares for the animals that other people have abandoned and they tirelessly search for good homes – ones that will give the animals the love they deserve. Their work is truly inspiring and unfortunately, often unappreciated. I just want to thank you again for taking care of Chili. It might have taken some time and patience, but you found her the home and family she was always meant to have. The Mielke family

After we were screened as prospective owners and had our two week trial to get acquainted, we settled into a wonderful relationship that continues today. We immediately saw that Darcy was intelligent and seemed to want a job! I began to teach her commands, took her to an obedience course, then we qualified to become a therapy team in August 2006 with Pets for Life. Pets for Life is a volunteer organization. Their mission statement is “the purpose of Pets for Life is to enhance the care and treatment of people in local hospitals, nursing homes, shelters for domestic violence, mental health programs, treatment centers for youth and corrections facilities through the use of certified therapy teams of pets and volunteers.” Darcy and I visit Delmar Gardens of Overland Park monthly. The residents of this nursing home are alerted to our visit on the activity board. Some dog lovers even have treats ready as we stop by their rooms or visit with them in the activity room. We chat as we go answering questions such as “what kind of dog is she” and “is she your dog?” I take friendship cards with me to give to residents with Darcy’s picture on one side and Pets for Life information on the other side. Darcy obviously enjoys the attention and I have a smile on my face from the time we start our visit until we leave. I would recommend this volunteer activity to anyone who has a pet with the skills and temperament to make a difference in people’s lives. We are currently taking additional training through Pets for Life at Pet N’ Macs to gain additional skills. Some of these include “move up”, “back”, “wait”, “pet” and “leave it”. There is also a review of “sit”, “stay” and “down.” All of these commands are helpful in tight spaces in nursing home rooms. My husband and I encourage anyone interested to adopt a dog or cat through Animals Best Friends. You will have wonderful friends for life, and may share the love with others, too. Studies have shown that pet ownership actually enhances their owner’s health and well being, and visits can be a healthy highlight for those you visit as well. The Bouck Family.

Our beloved dog, Angel passed away suddenly from an illness. Our family was extremely grief stricken, especially Angel's companion Chance. Chance became sullen and inattentive. Although we knew no animal could replace Angel, we knew Chance needed a pal. Since we have always adopted homeless dogs, we began our search through rescue groups. Our only criteria was that the new dog would have to be a great companion for Chance and make him happy. We traveled with Chance to many shelters and contacted several rescue groups but had no success.
While looking on Petfinder we came upon a picture of a mixed breed dog named Dora who was from Animals Best Friends. We contacted them and found that Dora had been adopted. However, there was one dog left from Dora's litter. This was Roscoe, and he had been living at ABF's rescue facility for nearly six months. Therefore, we scheduled a home visit with Roscoe. When Roscoe came to meet Chance and our family, we did not know what to expect since Chance was nearly eight years old and Roscoe was six months old. When Roscoe entered the yard, Chance immediately responded as if he was two years old again. Chance was running and playing as he did with Angel. Roscoe won our hearts immediately. Talk about a cute personality! We decided that Roscoe was going to become the newest member of the Wixon pack. Roscoe brings such joy to our household. His antics are reminiscent of a small child. When he wants attention, he runs and gets something that does not belong to him. Roscoe then brings the item out to let us see that he has it. Once we notice he has it, he takes off running and the chase begins. In addition, we have discovered that he would sell his soul for a greenie. Roscoe has ingratiated himself not only into our family but into the neighborhood as well. Everyone knows Roscoe and to know him is to love him! Thank you Animals Best Friends. The Wixon Family.

Back in January 2011, Mom Yvette took me on a ride to the city. None of my siblings were with me, but it was nice to be by myself. I wasn’t too sure where we were going because we stopped on the way and picked up Dianne, which was kind of strange. We headed south to Grandview, a place I had not been before. We pulled into the driveway of this really nice looking house. When I got out of the truck, I was a little scared since I really wasn’t sure where I was at. We walked up the stairs and Mom rang the doorbell. This lady opened the door and let us in. I was hesitant to go in because Mom always told me not to talk to strangers. I went up a few stairs into the living room. It certainly was a big place. I walked around for a few minutes just to see what was up, but I was still scared so I jumped up on the couch and sat next to Mom and Dianne. Mom told me to get down, but this nice lady, Peggy, said it was OK for me to stay where I was at. She said if I was going to be staying around for a couple of weeks, I had to be comfortable on my own. Peggy had some toys around, but I was not interested in playing. She did give me a treat which was pretty tasty. I let her pet me and stroke me and it seemed to be OK. She did tell me I looked very sweet. We walked around the house a bit so Mom and Dianne could see where I would be staying during the day, as well as the queen size bed Peggy was going to let me sleep in at night. All four of us went out in the back yard. I was sure surprised with the size of the yard, but it seemed it was plenty big to run around in, all by myself. We went back in the house and Mom and Dianne explained a few things to Peggy. Shortly afterwards Mom and Dianne walked down the stairs and left without me. I sat up on the couch, looked out the window and watched them drive off without me. Peggy took a couple of days off work to spend with me and get to know me. Then we had quite the snowstorm, so Peggy worked from home for a couple of extra days. That was just so cool! The two-week trial had come and gone and Mom came back with adoption papers. Yes, that is right. Peggy loved me so very much she wanted to give me a home, a ‘furever’ home. She then changed my name from Cammy Sue to Snuggles. Now it is two years later and I am enjoying life with my new Mom and my new home. We take walks almost every day and we go on rides every once in a while too. I still sleep in the queen size bed every night. I guess you could say I am one happy dog and not to say just a wee bit spoiled not only by Mom, but Mom’s friends too! Written with love, from Snuggles.

We are so happy having adopted Bonnie from you! Her & her new sister Maggie get along great. They love to play tug of war with anything! They have bonded so well. Bonnie even cleans Maggies eyes in the morning, somthing that Maggie won't let me do! And since we bought a new king size bed for all us, sleeping isn't nearly as crowded! As you can see by the pictures, Bonnie loves playing with the water hose. She also loves her nightly pig ear treat, & loves playing tag with Maggie. We really liked the adoption process. Never knowing how dogs will interact, it was nice knowing that if things didn't work out in the first 2 weeks, we had the option of not adopting Bonnie. But things did go fine & still are. Thanks for letting us become Bonnie's Mom & Dad! Sharon & Jimmie

Desi (Formally Dollie - born April 07)
After being a first time homeowner for nearly a year, I found that living alone was just that - lonely. I decided that it was time to find a dog to fill up that lonely space in my home. I searched online for a dog similar to my brother’s. I found Dollie on Petfinder and contacted Animals Best Friends about adopting her. Our two week trial was a little testy for both of us, but by the end of the two weeks I found that I couldn't bare to let her go. Desi has been the best thing to happen to me in a long time! I renamed her Desi (from Dollie) not long after adopting her. Desi and my brother's dog get along fantastically and keep each other entertained! Desi is so smart. She has learned to sit, lay down, shake, and stay, within the first few weeks of living here. She loves to run and play, and keeps me in shape just trying to keep up with her! She's the best of both worlds; loves to snuggle and loves to play! She is full of personality and never fails to make me laugh. It's hard to imagine life without her now.

Desi (Formally Dollie - born April 07)
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you all so very much! Olivia is such a sweetie and we are getting along GREAT! She has learned to sit, shake both paws, and to lie down. Next trick will be rollover. That may take longer. She is getting very spoiled and she never leaves my side. I could not be happier. You girls are doing a wonderful thing with these dogs. Keep up the GREAT work! Jan and Olivia

My name is Riley. I think I must be the happiest dog in the world. I have a new family, and they have a boy. I’ve always wanted a boy and now I actually have one. My boy and I run around in my new big backyard all the time. I get lots of exercise that way, and my new family walks me around the neighborhood so everyone can see that I’m the new dog on the block. My dad has been teaching me to sit, stay, and lay down, shake, and of course, the old trick “rub your tummy”. I’m pretty good at them now, and I’ve over heard talk of teaching me to “sit pretty”, which is more difficult than just “sit”, “turn around”, “play dead”, and the old trick with me balancing a small doggie bone on my nose, and then I get to eat it for my reward. My mom has been teaching me to fetch the newspaper. One day I brought the newspaper all the way to the back patio. I think I’m getting pretty good at it, or at least I think my mom thinks I’m really good at it, because she keeps praising me. When I’m really tired and just feel like loafing around, my mom and dad give me massages. Boy, they sure do feel good. Now to get to the really good stuff, I was only here at my new home for a day or so and my new family let me watch the KU Championship game on a cozy blanket on the sofa. That was a lot of fun. Go Jayhawks!!! As you can see, I’m a big fan. I am a really lucky little puppy to have found such a loving family, but I think my family feels really lucky to have found such a loving and smart puppy. You might just say that at this stage in my life, I AM “leading the life of Riley”.

Having grown up with dogs and other miscellaneous critters my whole life, I knew that when I finally got a place of my own I would continue the tradition of adopting dogs that needed a home. When I saw the pictures of Dora and Spencer in an Animals Best Friend's newsletter and on the website, I knew I had fallen in love. I went to look at them one day while ABF was at PetsMart for Adopt A Pet. I had to fill out an application immediately. The home visit and two-week trial went great and I adopted them. Dora and Spencer, lovingly referred to as "the kids," fit perfectly in our home. I love Dora's curious and protective nature and Spencer's easy going and happy-go-lucky moods. They are the sweetest puppies and I can't picture my life without them. I strongly encourage people who are looking for a dog to consider adopting one. You can't beat their personality or their affection. The Clark family

Riley, Stewart Little, & Tyge
My given name was Oreo, my new adopted name is Riley. I came to live with my new humans in October 2006. From the day I walked into my new home, I totally owned the joint. I was just a little tike then but I was the big cheese in my new home. Our first night they thought I would probably be more comfortable in my kennel but not 2 minutes into bedtime and I was right smack in the middle of their bed, which is now known as our bed, I found my comfortable spot. Did I mention that I have another friend in the family, her name is Tyge, she’s a cat and she took me right in without any reservations. She’s pretty fun for a cat, we play chase from time to time, or should I say I play chase, she runs. It really didn’t take me too long to train my humans, nor did it take them to long to train me. My potting training was a breeze, we went outside every hour on the hour. Didn’t take me long to get the picture. I have such fun with my mom and dad. Dad takes me walking every morning and then mom and dad take me walking every evening. We play fetch, which is my very favorite game in the world.In September of this year I got a new brother, his name is Stuart Little and we have a blast together. We are always wrestling and chasing each other, sometimes a little too much according to mom and dad. Once again we go for walks every morning and every evening and sometimes we go the unleash park and run and run and run. We also go to Pet Smart too and pick out our treats and toys if mom and dad think we need any. Our bed is a little crowded now but I know mom and dad wouldn’t have it any other way. Guess you could say we live the life of Riley! The Logsdon family